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AMI Certified Practising Marketers - FAQs

AMI Certified Practising Marketers:
Earn Continuous Professional Development points via Mi3

Australian Marketing Institute

Certified Practising Marketers (CPM) accredited by the Australian Marketing Institute are required to undertake a minimum of 100 points of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) each year to maintain their certifications. Thanks to a new partnership between the AMI and Mi3, reading Mi3’s industry recognised content could now help you meet this requirement.

By signing up as an Mi3 member or simply updating your existing account details, AMI CPM holders can start earning points towards their CPD tally on eligible articles across the site. Points vary across article type and are highlighted at the top of each for reference. Points are awarded automatically based on completing an article in full. Readers will also be able to view Mi3 articles they’ve read and which contribute CPD points via the My Account section of the Mi3 website.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is an Australian Marketing Institute Certified Practising Marketer (CPM)?

Certified Practising Marketer (CPM) is an Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) accreditation program designed to provide a professional benchmark exclusively tailored to marketers and the marketing industry.

Earning the CPM title requires ethical conduct, extensive experience, and up-to-date knowledge. It serves as a respected emblem of distinction for Marketing Professionals who consistently pursue advancement through leadership, innovation, and a commitment to continuous learning. As a CPM, you receive a unique digital badge showcasing your accomplishments enhancing your professional reputation. CPM status opens doors to exciting opportunities, such as becoming an AMI awards judge and mentoring aspiring marketers with your valuable experience.

To maintain CPM status, the Australian Marketing Institute requires CPMs to undertake a minimum of 100 points of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) every year. One of the ways CPMs can earn points is by reading many of Mi3’s industry recognised articles and content. If you’re interested in becoming an AMI CPM, please contact AMI for further information on applications, costs and criteria via the website: or via email:


Q: What are Continuous Professional Development points?

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is the points-based metric system used by the AMI to accredit CPM status. Every year, CPMs accredited by the AMI are required to earn a minimum of 100 points to maintain their certifications and CPM status.


Q: How do I earn CPD points with Mi3?

Reading eligible articles on the Mi3 website that have been graded against the AMI’s CPD points system means you can earn a differing number of points towards your CPD tally. Points are based on the length and contents of the article. The number of points each article contributes will be highlighted in yellow at the top of articles given CPD status. This is an automated process, based on average read rate, duration time on our website and the length and content within the article itself. You do not have to do anything else but read an article as you normally would!


Q: What steps do I need to take in order to start earning my CPD points on the Mi3 website?

Australian Marketing Institute members wishing to earn CPD points must first set up an account on the Mi3 website. Setting up an Mi3 account is free of charge. You can set up an Mi3 account via the My Account section of the Mi3 website here:

As part of the My Account set-up process, you will see an option “Australian Marketing institute Membership” where you can tick whether you are firstly “an Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) Member”, and secondly, that you are an “AMI Certified Practising (CPM) Marketer”. Please select both of these options to ensure you can start earning points on your next visit to the Mi3 website.

We recommend you use the same email address you use with the AMI as your email address in our account system to avoid any potential discrepancies between our system and the AMI’s.


Q: What if I’m already an Mi3 account holder?

You’ll need to click into your existing account and make sure you’ve told us you are an AMI CPM. To do this, select the account (human shaped) icon in the top right-hand corner of the site. This will take you to your existing account details. You will then need to tick the 2 checkbox options at the bottom of the page under the header ‘Australian Marketing Institute Membership’. The first is asking if you are an “Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) Member”. The second asks if you are an “AMI Certified Practising Marketer”. Please make sure you have ticked both options. Then click the “Update” yellow button. Once updated, a small green message will pop up at the top of the page under ‘Personal Details’ to confirm those updated changes have been made to your account. And then you’re ready to start accruing those AMI CPD points!


Q: How do I find out more about becoming an Australian Marketing Institute Certified Practising Marketer?

More information about the AMI CPM program and certification, and how you can become a Certified Practising Marketer can be found on the AMI website: or by contacting the AMI team via email:


Q: Why is the number of CPD points attributed to an article different?

Mi3 has worked in partnership with the AMI and its CPM and CPD points criteria to come up with a suitable allocation of points based on the length, depth and complexity of the subject matter in our content. Articles have been handpicked for their relevance to marketing professionals and as representative of the key themes, topics and behaviours the AMI’s CPM program is seeking to recognise and elevate across the marketing community in ANZ.


Q: How do I see how many CPD points I’ve earned on the Mi3 website?

To see your CPD tally from reading Mi3 content, please Visit the “My Account section” of the Mi3 website. From there, you can view all the Mi3 articles which have contributed towards your CPD requirement. There is a date range option you can set to look at articles over a specific timeframe should you wish. 

Please note it can take up to 48 hours for an article to be listed, and may take up to 6 weeks for points to be reflected with the AMI.


Q: What do I do if I think the Mi3 website is not tallying my CPD points correctly?

Please visit the “My Account” section of the Mi3 website and check firstly to see whether the articles you have read are showing in the list of articles contributing towards your CPD requirement. If they are listed, then the points you’re accumulating will be recognised and passed on to the AMI. Please be advised it can take up to 48 hours for an article to be listed in your account, so you may need to come back to the account page after this timeframe has passed to check again before determining whether there is a problem with your account.

If you still find articles are not appearing, please contact the Mi3 team at:


Q: Does this mean other third parties are getting access to my AMI membership or other personal details outside of AMI and Mi3?

No. In order to be able to accredit points, Mi3 is required to have a permanent record of your AMI membership and CPM status in our systems. This will be saved against your account profile in our member system alongside our existing membership account profile details. We will also need to share your name and email address, as specified in our account system, along with points tally with the Mi3 in order for AMI to attribute your points correctly.

However, no other information about your AMI membership is being shared or stored with Mi3 and its service providers, and remains confidential between you and the AMI. Mi3 does not sell its data to other companies. As a member of Mi3, we may use your personal information to send you surveys as well as information about the products or services our full privacy statement, visit


Benefits of the AMI CPD program

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