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Posted 31/07/2024 9:48am

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Foster care campaign,
Voices heard, trust is rebuilt,
Change for Indigenous.

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Western Australia's foster care campaign teams up with Indigenous media for cultural sensitivity

A new foster care campaign in Western Australia is breaking new ground by partnering with Indigenous media organisations, including National Indigenous Television (NITV), to ensure culturally sensitive messaging reaches Indigenous communities.

The campaign is part of the Beyond 3% initiative, which challenges brands and organisations to go beyond the bare minimum when engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Over half of the total budget has been invested in Indigenous media, demonstrating a significant commitment to the initiative.

The campaign features Lisa, an Indigenous foster carer working with Western Australia's Department of Communities. Lisa's story provides insight into the rewards and challenges of foster care from an Indigenous perspective. The campaign aims to raise awareness about foster care across Western Australia, particularly among individuals aged 45-64.

"This campaign goes beyond simply ticking boxes. By dedicating budget to NITV alongside investment in other Indigenous media outlets we're demonstrating a real commitment to the Beyond 3% initiative. We're ensuring authentic Indigenous voices are heard, fostering trust within those communities, and ultimately driving meaningful change in the lives of Indigenous children," said Emily Whyte, Business Manager and RAP Committee Chair at Initiative Media.

The campaign's success will be measured by the number of enquiries it generates and its impact on fostering a more inclusive and understanding environment surrounding foster care in Western Australia. Initiative Media is involved in the campaign, which is also supported by Claire Harris, Director of Communications, Department of Communities.

"This campaign directly addresses a crucial barrier to Indigenous participation in foster care: the need for culturally sensitive support and resources. Historically, the foster care system has often failed to adequately address the cultural needs of Indigenous children and families. By partnering with Indigenous media and featuring Lisa's story, this campaign aims to rebuild trust and demonstrate a genuine commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of Indigenous communities," said Harris.

This campaign is a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and understanding environment for foster care in Western Australia.

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