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Posted 30/09/2024 9:59am

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Orange Line takes flight,
Skyscanner's SEO soars,
APAC in sight.

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Skyscanner appoints Orange Line as SEO agency across APAC

Global travel app Skyscanner has continued its relationship with Orange Line, appointing the independent digital marketing agency to handle SEO responsibilities across the APAC region, with the aim of consolidating the travel app's growth in this market.

Work is already underway, with Orange Line's immediate task being to enhance Skyscanner's SEO in the APAC region. It follows on from the agency's previous work with Skyscanner, where they conducted a comprehensive technical SEO audit that reportedly yielded successful results. Work on the project has already commenced.

"We're thrilled to be re-engaged by Skyscanner and to continue our collaboration. This renewed partnership is testament to the expertise of our SEO team and the value we can bring to global brands. We're eager to build on the success of our previous work and drive even greater growth for their platform," said Head of Organic at Orange Line, Bruno Rodriguez.

Orange Line, with teams in Australia, the USA, and Europe, specialises in providing multi-country and multi-lingual SEO solutions for global businesses.

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