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Posted 30/09/2024 8:06am

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IAS takes a stand,
Brand safety in their hand.

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IAS expands misinformation reporting feature to safeguard brands on YouTube

Digital ad verification firm Integral Ad Science (IAS) has introduced a new feature to its Total Media Quality (TMQ) suite to help advertisers ensure their ads are placed next to brand-safe, misinformation-free content on YouTube.

IAS's AI-powered solution is designed to detect and flag content classified as misinformation, offering third-party transparency to provide advertisers with video-level insights into the content their ads appear next to. With a global reach, the feature covers over 30 languages, offering a wide scope for advertisers.

"Brand safety is a top priority for marketers as we approach upcoming marquee global media events. We are empowering marketers with enhanced products like our expanded Total Media Quality for YouTube which now offers IAS’s misinformation reporting,” said CEO of IAS, Lisa Utzschneider. “We’re excited to offer the ability to detect misinformation with our best-in-class measurement solution.”

IAS's TMQ product suite provides third-party assurance that advertisers’ campaigns are running adjacent to brand-safe and suitable content. The misinformation measurement delivers independent verification, complementary to YouTube’s own policies and procedures. IAS classifies content according to industry-aligned definitions and provides reporting based on advertisers’ custom brand suitability settings.

In March, IAS announced earning Media Rating Council (MRC) accreditation for integrated third-party calculation and reporting of YouTube video viewability. This followed the December 2023 announcement of the availability of its TMQ brand safety and suitability measurement across YouTube Shorts.

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