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Posted 30/07/2024 9:44am

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Support Talk is here,
For mentors, a guiding light,
In the fight, we're clear.

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The Aunties and WHV launch 'Support Talk' training program for mentors

The Aunties, in collaboration with Women’s Health Victoria (WHV), have launched 'Support Talk', a first-of-its-kind online training program for mentors.

The program aims to equip mentors with the necessary skills to respond to disclosures of gender-based violence and discrimination. The creation of 'Support Talk' was prompted by feedback from The Aunties' initial programs and the noticeable lack of specific training programs for mentors dealing with these issues.

The training program is video-based and provides tools and strategies to help mentors respond to disclosures around gender-based bullying, violence, discrimination, and sexual harassment, specifically within the advertising industry. For the first three months, the training is open to anyone to complete for free, but it will be compulsory for all mentors participating in future Aunties programs. The training also addresses scenarios that cover instances of family violence.

The training takes approximately 40-60 minutes to complete and features a range of content, quizzes, and a series of training videos.

Phoebe Sloane, Founder of the Aunties, said, "We’re experiencing new generations of talent entering the industry who won’t tolerate these kinds of behaviour, as well as a current generation who have been rising the ranks and are growing increasingly more empowered to speak up, support and change the industry for the better." She further added, "However, receiving a disclosure whether it be current, or past can feel overwhelming. You might be worried about saying the wrong thing, saying too much or too little. Support Talk teaches four simple steps to help mentors respond in these moments."

Lauren Zappa, Manager Gender Equity & Capacity Building, WHV, expressed confidence in the new program, stating, "The Aunties have identified a crucial skills gap - one that can feel overwhelming when disclosures of gender-based violence arise. We are confident that this new program is not only engaging and easy to understand, but it will empower mentors to respond to whatever may arise during their career."

Mandie Van Der Merwe, CCO Saatchi & Saatchi Australia and Chair, AWARD, endorsed the program, stating, "This is a no-brainer. You just have to listen to the news or talk to women in our industry to know that gender-based violence and discrimination is rife in Australia and our workplaces. Mentors and managers will find themselves confronted by victims of this reality. And knowing how to respond in that moment is vital. Support Talk is how you become part of the solution."

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