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Posted 27/09/2024 9:26am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

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AI takes a leap,
Localization redefined,
Phrase leads the charge.

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Translation tech Phrase unveils next-gen AI-powered localization platform

Translation technology business Phrase has unveiled the next evolution of its AI-powered localization platform, launching new capabilities designed to drive cost efficiencies, expand usability, and give humans greater control over AI outputs.

Phrase positions to new development as a game-changer for brands looking to expand their global reach and streamline their localization processes.

The updated platform has three key new capabilities: Reduced Post-Editing Time and Costs, Enhanced LQA Control, and Efficient Game Localization with Unity Integration. These features aim to revolutionise the way brands approach localization, providing them with the tools to optimise their processes and maximise their global impact.

The new Phrase TM Threshold Optimiser allows teams to decide when to use translation memory (TM) or Machine Translation (MT) to reduce post-editing efforts while maintaining quality. This feature is a significant step towards giving humans more control over AI outputs, a crucial factor in ensuring the accuracy and cultural relevance of localized content.

Phrase's new Auto LQA Validation Mode enhances Auto LQA by integrating human expertise with AI automation. This integration is expected to cut costs by up to 65% and reduce turnaround times by up to 99%.

For game developers, the new Unity integration is a game-changer. Developers can now localize their games directly within the Unity environment, streamlining the localization process and ensuring a seamless gaming experience for users across different regions.

The platform also includes new enhancements such as expanded access control and analytics for Phrase Portal, revamped Automated Asset Curation (AAC), Webhooks through Phrase Orchestrator, Action Bundles for Phrase Orchestrator, Phrase Data, and AI Actions. These features provide brands with a comprehensive suite of tools to manage their localization processes effectively.

"This release expands the range of what our customers and partners can accomplish with the Phrase Platform. We provide tools that deliver greater value, save time, and – crucially – keep people in full control," said CEO of Phrase, Georg Ell.

"At Phrase, our mission has always been to empower customers to grow globally with greater speed, precision, and confidence. With this latest release, we’re delivering innovative solutions that put customers in control, while enabling them to achieve much more with less effort by harnessing the tremendous power of AI,” Ell said.

Phrase is trusted by brands like Uber, Shopify, Volkswagen, leading LSP and global SI partners, and thousands of others. With this latest release, the company continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing innovative solutions that empower brands to expand their global reach with greater speed, precision, and confidence.

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