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Market Voice 26 Aug 2024 - 4 min read

Has Ehrenberg-Bass missed the mark on optimal frequency? New tech unveils fresh insights for today's media landscape

By Daniel Tjondronegoro - Co-Founder, Beatgrid | Partner Content

Beatgrid claims its single-source measurement is uniquely capable of bypassing walled gardens and is redefining frequency standards for brands and agencies in Australia, particularly in the realms of TV, VOD, and YouTube. These insights are set to significantly impact key brand metrics.

For years, industry leaders like the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute have emphasised broad reach as the cornerstone of successful advertising campaigns. This guidance has been instrumental in driving growth for countless brands. However, recent advances in measurement technology suggest it’s time to refine our understanding of frequency in today’s increasingly fragmented media environment.


The Evolution of Frequency Standards

Beatgrid’s latest single-source analysis of 20+ cross-media campaigns in Australia, spanning TV, VOD, and YouTube (audience: gen-pop 18-64), highlights the critical role of frequency in driving key brand metrics. The data reveals that a frequency of up to 9 exposures delivers the highest returns for aided awareness, achieving a 6.89% lift. However, for metrics like purchase consideration and purchase intent, the optimal frequency shifts to 7-9 exposures, with lifts of 5.87% and 3.82%, respectively.

Aided Awareness:

  • Cross-Media Frequency 1–3: 5.74% lift

  • Cross-Media Frequency 4–6: 6.21% lift

  • Cross-Media Frequency 7-9+: 6.89% lift

Purchase Consideration:

  • Cross-Media Frequency 1–3: 2.21% lift

  • Cross-Media Frequency 4–6: 2.96% lift

  • Cross-Media Frequency 7-9: 5.87% lift

Purchase Intent:

  • Cross-Media Frequency 1–3: 0.32% lift

  • Cross-Media Frequency 4–6: 1.22% lift

  • Cross-Media Frequency 7-9: 3.82% lift

These findings illustrate that while lower frequencies (1-3 exposures) can still generate some lift, they fall short of the impact achieved by higher frequencies, particularly in driving deeper consumer awareness. Beatgrid’s frequency findings can ensure that your audience is sufficiently exposed to your message without the diminishing returns that can come with excessive repetition.


Navigating Fragmentation: The New Advertising Challenge

Understanding de-duplicated reach and frequency has become increasingly challenging due to massive channel fragmentation and the rise of walled gardens that block external measurement. This lack of visibility forces advertisers to rely on stitched-together measurement silos, resulting in modelled guesses about who saw what and when. Consequently, marketers are often left partially informed when making investment and optimization decisions, risking budget inefficiencies and the potential for customer annoyance, which can harm brand consideration and intent.


The New Frequency Paradigm

Beatgrid’s recent analysis of 20+ cross-media campaigns in Australia reveals that campaigns with a frequency of up to 6 exposures achieve the highest lift in aided awareness— across TV, VOD, and YouTube. When it comes to purchase consideration and purchase intent, however, the optimal frequency shifts to 7-9 exposures, delivering substantial lifts of 5.87% and 3.82%, respectively. This range effectively leverages brand familiarity and consumer readiness to purchase while minimising the risk of ad fatigue.

While the foundational work of Ehrenberg-Bass remains invaluable, Beatgrid's new data suggests it’s time to build on this foundation. Sophisticated measurement tools now allow us to fine-tune frequency strategies, ensuring maximum impact in today’s complex media environment.


Outmaneuvering Walled Gardens

As media channels continue to fragment and walled gardens grow more restrictive, advertisers face the challenge of making informed decisions with incomplete data. Traditional measurement tools, once cutting-edge, are now struggling to keep up. Beatgrid addresses this with its single-source, cross-screen panel, offering de-duplicated reach and frequency measurement across all major platforms, including those within walled gardens. By using 100% consented and privacy-compliant data, Beatgrid provides advertisers with a clear, accurate picture of campaign performance. This isn’t just modelled data; it’s real-world measurement powered by advanced technology.


Rethinking Low-Frequency Advertising

It’s time to reconsider the perceived efficiency of low-frequency advertising. While previously deemed cost-effective, new evidence shows that higher frequencies are essential to drive meaningful impact, especially in today’s fragmented media landscape. A frequency of 1-3 exposures rarely moves the needle, particularly in high-involvement categories and at the consideration and purchase intent stage of the funnel. Beatgrid’s data shows that with the right frequency—around 7-9 exposures—you’re not just making a splash; you’re creating waves that resonate and drive action.


Redefining Measurement with Beatgrid

Beatgrid is not just advancing the conversation; we’re redefining it. Our single-source panel, already larger than OzTam’s in Australia, is being adopted by leading brands like UM, Kinesso, and Kmart. By leveraging Beatgrid’s mobile phone-based automatic content recognition (ACR) technology, advertisers can now achieve a 360-degree view of their cross-screen campaigns, tracking performance across all platforms and cohorts with deterministic (non-opportunity-to-see) accuracy.

In a media landscape where traditional claimed exposure and brand lift methods are increasingly challenged, Beatgrid offers the precision and clarity that today’s advertisers need. We don’t just measure ads; we transform how brands understand and optimise their campaigns for ad effectiveness.

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