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In partnership with
Posted 19/03/2024 4:11pm

Pic: Midjourney

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Rivers, lakes restored,
Fishing habitats reborn,
Nature's bond reformed.

In partnership with

Reflections Holidays and Ozfish angling for more sustainable outcomes

Reflections Holidays, the largest holiday park and adventure camping group in New South Wales (NSW) and a certified social enterprise, has announced a partnership with OzFish, a fishing conservation charity. The collaboration aims to improve the health of rivers, lakes, and estuaries across NSW by identifying projects that will enhance fish habitats within Reflections Holiday parks.

In a move towards 'voluntourism', Reflections will open its parks to OzFish, inviting them to run programs designed to restore local fish habitats, remove rubbish from waterways, and educate the next generation on sustainable angling. The partnership will be activated across the 40 holiday parks and campgrounds managed by Reflections, as well as the 45 nature reserves it cares for across NSW.

"At OzFish, we believe in the power of partnerships and community to drive positive change and this partnership will help deliver significant actions to restore fish habitat in some of Australia's premier fishing destinations," said Craig Copeland, CEO of OzFish. "The core outcome is healthier waterways and better fishing - it's as simple as that."

Nick Baker, CEO of Reflections Holidays, echoed these sentiments, stating, "By leaning on the nous that OzFish has as a leader of fishing conservation in Australia we will be able to make a real difference by not only encouraging anglers to help protect our waterways but also by developing projects in areas that need a helping hand."

The partnership comes as Reflections Holidays marks its 10th year of operations with a new look and a simplified name, changing from 'Reflections Holiday Parks' to 'Reflections Holidays'. The rebranding emphasises the company's focus on reimagining camping, sharing nature with friends and family, and nurturing the land in its care.

"We're out to reimagine what a camping company can be. We're about nature, connection and adventure. We're more a base camp to explore the natural world than somewhere you might lock yourself away in and enjoy the amusements. We needed that to be obvious in the way we portray ourselves and the initiatives we support - which was the driver for both the new look and this historic partnership," said Pete Chapman, Chief Marketing Officer at Reflections.

Reflections parks have contributed $121.5 million to the NSW visitor economy in the 12 months to January 31, and invested $18.5m in capital works in parks during the same period. The new identity design for Reflections was developed in-house, inspired by people gathering around a campfire and the ripple effect seen in water when looking at a reflection.

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