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Posted 17/09/2024 8:42am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

Editors' Note: Many Fast News images are stylised illustrations generated by Dall-E. Photorealism is not intended. View as early and evolving AI art!


Adobe's AI in play,
Content personalised each day,
In real-time, they say.

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Adobe unveils AI-driven innovations for real-time content personalisation

Adobe is set to introduce a suite of new innovations across its Adobe Experience Cloud, aimed at enabling teams to personalise, test, and measure AI-generated content. The new offerings are designed to address key pain points in brands’ content supply chains by ensuring campaigns can be adjusted and optimised in real time.

The Adobe Content Analytics, currently in beta, provides attribute-level insights on content spanning platforms such as web and mobile. This tool will allow marketers to gain a deeper understanding of how their content is performing across different channels.

The Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) offers real-time experimentation capabilities on the web, directing visitors towards AI-generated variants that are driving the best conversion. This feature will enable marketers to test different content variations in real time and optimise their campaigns based on the results.

The Adobe Journey Optimiser (AJO) allows brands to instantly generate multiple variations of marketing content based on performance goals to automate testing and optimisation. The AI Assistant Content Accelerator in AJO, now generally available, enables marketers to generate on-brand marketing assets for channels including email, SMS and more, while having it optimised for certain target audiences based on language, tone and content type.

AEM Edge Delivery Services enables real-time experimentation for AI-generated content variations, such as text or images on a webpage. This feature will allow marketers to test different content variations in real time and optimise their campaigns based on the results.

Senior vice president, Digital Experience Business at Adobe, Amit Ahuja, said: “Personalising customer experiences in today’s environment can require thousands of variations for different marketing channels and regions, a problem that has been alleviated with the support of generative AI,” he said. Ahuja also highlighted the challenges marketers face in ensuring AI-generated variants resonate with customers, adding, “Adobe’s latest innovations will help brands meet the moment through real-time experimentation and actionable insights.”

Adobe's latest solutions aim to address key pain points in brands’ content supply chains by ensuring campaigns can be adjusted and optimised in real time. As a company that is changing the world through digital experiences, Adobe's new offerings are set to revolutionise the way brands personalise and optimise their content in the digital age.

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