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Posted 15/02/2024 7:43am

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PMX, new stride,
Partnership with Institute,
For research, they ride.

In partnership with

Publicis Media Exchange teams up with Ehrenberg-Bass Institute to boost media research

Publicis Media Exchange (PMX) Australia & New Zealand has announced a strategic partnership with the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science. This partnership is set to be a cornerstone of the PMX Research platform, which aims to bridge the gap between media metrics and client outcomes.

The collaboration will enable the PMX team to directly connect with the Institute’s researchers, adding a layer of academic rigour to the PMX Research investigations. This move is expected to enhance the credibility and depth of the research conducted by PMX, which is a part of the global communications leader, Publicis Groupe.

The partnership is being spearheaded by PMX’s Head of Media Intelligence, Rowena Newman, and Shruthi Babu (pictured) , who joined the team in September 2023 to lead the media research capability within PMX’s media intelligence team.

Anthony Ellis, Managing Director for PMX Australia and New Zealand, said, "Our partnership with the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute is a result of our continued focus on driving real outcomes for clients. I am excited by the partnership’s potential to accelerate the transformation of how PMX leverages our scale to deliver benefits for our agencies and clients."

Rowena Newman, Head of Media Intelligence for PMX, echoed this sentiment, emphasising the importance of meaningful data in marketing. "Just because campaign data is measurable doesn’t make it meaningful, and our vision for PMX Research is to clearly identify where true media value lies with respect to marketing outcomes. The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute partnership is vital to our vision as a means to continually provoke and challenge our thinking for the benefit of all Publicis Groupe clients."

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