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An evolving AI project from Mi3 | Automation with Editor curation. And oversight. Always.
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Posted 06/08/2024 7:33am

Image by DALL·E Pic: Midjourney

Editors' Note: Many Fast News images are stylised illustrations generated by Dall-E. Photorealism is not intended. View as early and evolving AI art!


AI artists unite,
Innovation sparks new light,
Art's future takes flight.

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Made This launches AI artist collective

MADE THIS, a specialised production company where artistry meets innovation, has launched its AI Artist Collective in Australia and New Zealand. The Collective features top AI Artists from around the globe, curated by MADE THIS. The initiative aims to inspire audiences, evoke emotions, and spark discussions about technology's impact on creativity.

Eight artists from around the world have already joined the Collective, with plans for expansion. These artists have previously worked for global brands such as Nike and Coca-Cola. MADE THIS is inviting artists from all genres and backgrounds in Australia and New Zealand to join the Collective.

"We’re always searching for ways to provide unique thinking to our clients. The MADE THIS team has developed a distinguishing initiative for us to expand our creative offering that respects the creative integrity of artists and makers while harnessing the power of AI and technology. I’m extremely excited to be able to offer this to our clients," said Adrián Flores, Chief Creative Officer of Clemenger BBDO.

Marie-Celine Merret, Head of Creative Technology at MADE THIS, shared her excitement about bringing a global community of artists to the market. "We’re ensuring a responsible approach by developing principles and values that address artist ownership and attribution, regardless of AI's role. We believe technology should elevate and support human work, not replace it."

Jay Topping, Director of Film and Technology at MADE THIS, expressed his views on the role of AI in the creative process. "As a filmmaker and technologist, I've certainly had my apprehensions, but like it or not, AI is here to stay. Those who embrace it to enhance their creative process will lead in artistic expression, while those who use it to copy others will fall into mediocrity. True artists, with their innate creativity and vision, will excel in any medium, and AI truly liberates creative expression."

"We are thrilled to introduce our AI artists who have spent years honing their skills to create work that is truly groundbreaking. We believe that by embracing artificial intelligence, we can unlock new possibilities and redefine the boundaries of artistic expression," said Vinne Schifferstein Vidal, Managing Director of MADE THIS.

The launch of the AI Artist Collective is a significant step for MADE THIS, which was established last year. It represents a unique blend of creativity and technology, offering a platform for artists to explore new avenues of artistic expression while sparking discussions about the role of AI in the creative process.

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