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Market Voice 4 Dec 2023 - 2 min read

Navigating the Australian property market: A blueprint for marketers in 2024

By Leigh Lavery - Head of Growth Intelligence, The Growth D_Stillery | Partner Content

Australia’s home buyers need help in navigating increasingly complex market dynamics. That’s where marketers with smarter strategies can become confidence catalysts, says Leigh Lavery, Head of Growth Intelligence at The Growth D_Stillery, which has just published a property study to inform marketing messaging heading into 2024.

In the complex landscape of the Australian property market, marked by a juxtaposition of challenges and aspirations, the role of marketers is more crucial than ever. The Growth Distillery’s most recent release, the Property D_Stilled study, not only provides a window into the current market dynamics but also offers a rich tapestry of insights for crafting impactful marketing strategies across key segments, from first home buyers through to experienced buyers and sellers. As marketers in this vast sector – which draws in agents, mortgage and financial services, home improvement and construction, right down to home décor and furnishing – we have the opportunity to transform these insights into messages that resonate with a diverse audience, driving engagement by helping to build confidence.

The study revealed that the prevailing sentiment amongst buyers and sellers in the property market is a blend of frustration and aspiration. With half of the buyers and sellers expressing frustration due to the prevailing market conditions, and 56 per cent admitting they are obsessed with homeownership, the enduring allure of property ownership is evident. This scenario, however, is nuanced. For example, the significant frustration among 67 per cent of female first-time buyers, compared to 53 per cent of males, underscores the need for gender-sensitive marketing approaches.

Generational perspectives also play a pivotal role. While 60 per cent of Gen X and Baby Boomers express concern for the younger generation's property prospects, there remains a strong vein of optimism, with 76 per cent feeling confident that their efforts will lead to property success. This mixture of concern and hope presents marketers with a unique opportunity to craft messages that resonate across generations, promoting a sense of shared aspiration and support.


Confidence catalysts required

Confidence emerges as the cornerstone of the emotional landscape. While 61 per cent of respondents cite confidence as their primary emotional goal, only 36 per cent currently feel it. This gap presents a significant opportunity for marketers in the property sector to position themselves as catalysts for building this confidence.

Essential elements of building confidence in the property market include transparency and self-direction. With  a quarter not confident in understanding the property market, there’s a clear call for marketing that demystifies the process. Educational content, clear and honest communication, and tools that empower self-research can bridge this gap, and can help establish brands as trustworthy and reliable partners in the property journey.

Additionally, 69 per cent believe in the availability of opportunities for property success if one is willing to adjust expectations or explore new locales, like regional areas. This signals a considerable appetite for innovative solutions and alternative pathways in property acquisition. Marketing strategies that highlight these novel models and pathways can deeply resonate with an audience eager for practical and realistic options.

The Australian property sector presents fertile ground for marketing that appeals to both the emotional and practical aspects of property ownership. Our strategies need to blend emotional understanding with pragmatic solutions, weaving a narrative of attainable dreams and tangible successes. By tapping into the aspirations, concerns, and hopes of our diverse audience, we can create marketing campaigns that not only capture attention but also foster lasting relationships and confidence in the property sector and sub sectors within.


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