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Posted 04/09/2024 4:01pm

Pic: Midjourney

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A leader steps down,
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Paul Zahra to step down as Australian Retailers Association chief amid sector amalgamation

Paul Zahra, the Chief of the Australian Retailers Association (ARA), has announced his resignation after four and a half years in the role.

Zahra's departure comes as the ARA is set to amalgamate with the National Retail Association (NRA), a move he has long advocated for. He described his tenure as one of seeing the ARA navigate through the 'most challenging five-year period in the history of the sector'.

"It has been an honour and privilege to lead the Australian retail industry and the ARA team through the most challenging five-year period in the history of the sector," Zahra said in a LinkedIn post. "As the ARA progresses to amalgamate with the National Retail Association (NRA), a professional goal I have long advocated for, I now believe I have completed what I set out to do for the sector."

Zahra said under his leadership, the ARA has seen a significant turnaround in its financial position, moving from a financial risk to a position of historic financial security. Membership income has more than doubled in the past five years, with most of Australia's top retailers and employers joining the ARA membership for the first time, alongside SMB members.

"During the past five years, I have worked hard with the team to build the ARA and the retail sector brand to a strong position of profile, power and political influence. To achieve this required the ARA to stabilise its financial position - turning it around from a financial risk to a position of historic financial security," Zahra said. "We have worked diligently to unify the sector, bringing most of Australia's top retailers and employers into the ARA membership for the first time, alongside SMB members. Membership income has more than doubled in the past five years."

Zahra will continue in the role until the end of this year to ensure a smooth leadership transition. "I will be continuing in the role until the end of this year to ensure a smooth leadership transition, and I look forward to updating friends and our community on my plans towards the end of that period. This is not goodbye but a thank you."

Zahra's previous roles include founding chair of the Pinnacle Foundation and FutureYou, adviser to the City of Sydney, board member for Wayside Chapel, and interim CEO for Laser Clinics Australia. He also served on the boards of PwC, Australian Institute of Music and Nexba, and was CEO and MD for David Jones for four years, totalling 16 years with the department store.

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