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Posted 04/09/2024 8:03am

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Intimate dining,
Conversations on love's depth,
Audible's bold step.

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Audible's intimate member dining events to spark candid conversations on sex and intimacy

In a bold move to engage members by stimulating candid discussions about sex and intimacy, Audible is hosting two intimate dining events in Sydney and Melbourne.

These events are inspired by the release of season two of the Audible Original series, 'Sex Therapy: Sessions with Chantelle Otten – Unlocking Intimacy'. The events are designed to encourage open conversations about sex and intimacy, featuring conversation starters around intimacy, pleasure, and kink.

The dining experience is curated and hosted by Chantelle Otten, one of Australia’s leading Sex Therapists. The event is inspired by the second season of the Audible Original, 'Sex Therapy: Sessions with Chantelle Otten'. Season one of 'Sex Therapy: Sessions with Chantelle Otten' was the #1 Australian podcast on Audible in 2023, and was shortlisted for Best Sex & Relationships Podcast at the 2023 Australian Podcast Awards.

Season Two of 'Sex Therapy: Sessions with Chantelle Otten – Unlocking Intimacy' covers topics from intimacy to kink, pleasure and communication, while normalising judgement-free therapy. Chantelle Otten is an award-winning psycho-sexologist and relationship expert, best-selling author of 'The Sex Ed You Never Had', and the director of the Australian Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine.

Tickets for these events go on sale at 9.00am AEST on Friday 6 September for AUD $100 per person. However, Audible members can access discounted tickets for $80 per person. The events will take place on Wednesday 25 September at Chancery Lane in Melbourne, from 7pm to 10pm, and Wednesday 2 October at The White Horse in Sydney, from 7pm to 10pm

“My therapy sessions are usually completely private, and audio is the perfect format for these stories. The absence of visual elements not only allows for patient vulnerability in a safe setting, but also lets listeners fill in the gaps, drawing from their own experiences and forming deeper connections with the stories they hear," Otten said.

“I’m thrilled to be inviting guests to my Intimacy, Served dining series with Audible, to connect in real life and soak up an evening of thought-provoking conversations that will help guests discover the ingredients to unlocking intimacy for themselves, and with others,”

Karen Appathurai Wiggins, Head of Regional Content, APAC, commented, “Audible is deeply passionate about creating exceptional listening experiences that provoke, educate and entertain. We’re thrilled to work with Chantelle again to reveal real-life stories about sex, intimacy, vulnerability and connection, for a voracious and engaged global listening audience.”

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