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Posted 03/09/2024 8:08am

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Italian cheese lands,
In Australia, it stands,
Quality expands.

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Italian cheese Provolone Valpadana PDO relaunches in Australia with 'The Original Profiles of Quality' campaign

Provolone Valpadana PDO, an Italian cheese, is set to relaunch its promotion in the Australian market with a three-year project titled 'The Original Profiles of Quality'.

The project, which aligns with the European Union's Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategies for a healthier and more sustainable food system, aims to raise awareness about Provolone Valpadana PDO in Australia from 2024 to 2026.

The Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana, which oversees the brand, is leading this initiative with co-financing from the European Union. The project aims to increase the product’s recognition and consumption in Australia by engaging professionals in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector, the media, and consumers.

According to Assocalzaturifici, Italy is a major trading partner for Australia, with a market share worth $123 million. The import of cheese and dairy products into Australia alone generates around $80.5 million in revenue.

The Original Profiles of Quality (OPQ) project will run for three years, incorporating online, offline, and experiential activities aimed at informing consumers and trade professionals. Offline activities will concentrate on a different city each year—Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. The digital strategy will ensure the project maintains a strong online presence across all targeted areas throughout the project's duration. Planned activities will target operators in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector, as well as consumers, journalists, influencers, and bloggers.

The project’s events and activities aim to raise awareness of Provolone Valpadana PDO's quality and the significance of the PDO brand, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of EU products and increasing export volume and value to Australia. The OPQ project is a campaign focused on the information, enhancement, and promotion of Provolone Valpadana PDO, a Protected Designation of Origin cheese.

The project is promoted by the Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana and co-financed by the European Union.

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