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An evolving AI project from Mi3 | Automation with Editor curation. And oversight. Always.
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Posted 01/08/2024 9:30am

Pic: Midjourney

Editors' Note: Many Fast News images are stylised illustrations generated by Dall-E. Photorealism is not intended. View as early and evolving AI art!


AI tools take flight,
In creative hands they shine,
New dawn, Firefly's light.

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IPG's Studio Rx harnesses Adobe Firefly's AI to streamline creative production

Studio Rx, a member of the IPG Health network, has adopted Adobe Firefly's custom AI models to streamline its production process. The healthcare marketing agency used Adobe Firefly to transform hand-drawn illustrations into digital art, producing over 20 assets in just 10 days—a process that typically takes months.

Executive Creative Director at Studio Rx, Matt Hall, said: “When we used Adobe Firefly for this campaign, we knew we had trusted technology that could provide the efficiency gains we were looking for, while enabling us to maintain creative control over the content.”

The team at Studio Rx was impressed by the level of creative control and quality delivered by Firefly. The technology enabled the agency to significantly shorten a time-intensive process while maintaining the same high standard of creative output.

“What made it really special was how Firefly allowed us to retain the personality and style of our artist's work in the finished images, a critical aspect of how we wanted to portray our brand,” Hall said.

IPG Health plans to continue using Firefly for future marketing campaigns and client work. Studio Rx used Firefly to implement an entirely new brand identity in just weeks. The campaign was anchored around a family of characters named the “Rxies.” Over 20 new Rxie assets were delivered on their website in 10 days.

Adobe Firefly’s Custom Models were used to create new backgrounds, subjects, and foregrounds for the characters while maintaining brand consistency. This adoption of AI tools like Adobe Firefly enables Studio Rx to deliver high-quality content with remarkable efficiency.

Chief Production Officer at IPG Health, Graham Johnson, said: “AI tools like Adobe Firefly enable Studio Rx to deliver high-quality content with remarkable efficiency, and are scalable to manage the content needs of our healthcare clients.”

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