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Posted 26/08/2024 8:16am

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Share a story, stop
A scam, together we stand
In this fight, we're not alone

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National Anti-Scam Centre launches 'Share a story, stop a scam' campaign

The National Anti-Scam Centre (NASC) is spearheading its 2024 Scams Awareness Week from Monday 26 August with a campaign, themed 'Share a story, stop a scam', to encourage Australians to share their experiences and report scams to Scamwatch.

The campaign is supported by government organisations, companies, and consumer groups across the country.

Media organisations can access campaign material, including stories of people sharing their scam experiences, on the NASC website. The NASC is urging consumers to share their scam stories to illustrate that anyone can fall victim to a scam under the right circumstances.

A recent CHOICE survey revealed that 30% of scam victims who did not contact their bank made that decision because they felt it was their own fault. Reporting a scam and seeking support services helps victims understand what happened and informs authorities about scammer activities. The NASC shares intelligence with other government agencies, law enforcement, and private organisations to help disrupt scams.

Australians are encouraged to talk about their experiences this week using the hashtag #ShareAScamStory. Support for people impacted by scams includes contacting their bank or card provider, reaching out to IDCARE, talking to a financial counsellor, and contacting Lifeline or Beyond Blue. The NASC provides tips on how to spot and avoid scams.

ACCC Deputy Chair Catriona Lowe said: "We all have a part to play in shutting down criminal scammers. By talking to each other, we can make sure no one is alone in the fight against scams. People who’ve had money stolen should not feel shame when they’ve been targeted by sophisticated criminals."

Lowe added: "Being scammed is a horrible experience, and it can happen to anyone. This Scams Awareness Week campaign is a chance for Australians to come together and recognise the power we have to help protect one another from scammers."

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