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Posted 25/07/2024 8:33am

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Telco woes abound,
Trust in sector wanes, it's found,
Change must come around.

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Over 75% of Australians experience Telco vulnerability, new research reveals

A recent study commissioned by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) has revealed that over 75% of Australians have experienced some form of vulnerability in the past year.

The research, conducted in partnership with the Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC), found that 55% of Australians have encountered at least one issue with their telco in the last year.

However, 77% of customers chose not to lodge a complaint, citing the process as overwhelming. Ombudsman Cynthia Gebert has called for the sector to rethink its approach to customer interaction, particularly for those experiencing vulnerability. "This compelling research lends an empirical lens to what my Office has observed for a long time. Namely that too many people are finding it hard to get by – and that there is more for the industry to do to meet people where they are," Gebert said.

In response to the findings, Gebert announced the formation of a Telecommunications Accessibility Task Force to address systemic barriers to accessibility. The task force aims to unite and coordinate sector efforts to better serve customers experiencing vulnerability. "I believe the telco sector should, and must, do more to support customers who are doing it tough. The first step is to get the sector to pull together," Gebert said.

CPRC CEO Erin Turner said the research underscored the need for a shift in how the telco industry listens and responds to customer concerns. "We found 55 percent of Australians have experienced a problem with a telco in the last 12 months and yet 46 per cent of people didn’t raise a complaint about a telco problem they experienced – this is a strong sign that consumers are losing trust in the sector," Turner said.

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