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Posted 24/07/2024 9:24am

Pic: Midjourney

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Data-driven goals,
Tourism NT and CHEP,
Partnership unfolds.

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Tourism NT appoints CHEP Network for martech services in three-year partnership deal

Tourism NT has selected CHEP Network as its martech services partner following a competitive selection process. The partnership, set to last for three years, will see CHEP Network providing services such as behavioural analytics, personalisation, experimentation consent management, marketing automation, and the activation and facilitation of data partnerships.

A key objective of the partnership is to leverage the capabilities of first-party data to enhance brand experience and media performance. Kristie Beattie, Tourism NT’s Director of Digital & Data, expressed her excitement about the partnership.

“For us, this is an incredibly significant partnership and something we have taken great care to get right,” Beattie said. “We were impressed by CHEP Network’s depth of expertise in data-driven marketing, the agency’s understanding of our business and what challenges we face, and the team’s obvious passion and determination to implement the best solution that will deliver the highest return on investment for Tourism NT.

“Our goal is to harness the capabilities of first party data in enhancing brand experience and media performance, and we’re excited to embark on this journey with CHEP Network, alongside our wider group of partners and agencies.”

CHEP Network has also committed to supporting a broader skills growth journey for the Top End and First Nations people. Mark Gretton, CHEP Network’s Chief Technology Officer, highlighted the importance of building local skills in effective technology solutions.

“Building local skills in effective technology solutions that are both easy to execute and highly effective was central to our strategy,” Gretton said. “The NT is blessed with First Nations heritage, cultural richness, and natural beauty. It’s a privilege to support the team in promoting these assets around the world.”

The partnership is set to kick off with new initiatives to be announced in the coming months, with both parties stating they're looking forward to promoting NT's rich heritage and natural beauty on a global scale.

Pictured: CHEP: Mark Gretton (CTO), Nick Jia (Exec Director, MarTech), Claire Reinecke (Director, Tech Consulting), Tourism NT: Gemma Whelan (MarTech Mgr), Kristie Beattie (Director, Digital & Data), Nathan Lye (Marketing Mgr)

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